Dear friends, we have created an interesting and powerful course for you to improve your public skills and personal development called “Immersion in Drama”.

The course is suitable both for people with stage experience who want to improve their public skills and for those who are taking their first steps in creativity.
“Immersion in drama” is a harmonious feeling in public space, the ability to manage emotional states, transformation skills, good voice sound and clear diction. It is the ability to analyze situations in life and people’s motivations through drama.

Block 1. The first block of work is devoted to the body, that is, working with oneself. Feeling and understanding your body. Understanding your emotional states and methods of working with emotions.

  • Working with body clamps.
  • Practicing deep relaxation.
  • Correction of posture.
  • Types of breathing.
  • The connection between body tensions and emotions.
  • The connection between breathing and emotions.

Block 2. Stage speech. This block is dedicated to your sound in public space. Free and confident sounding. The ability to easily and clearly convey your message and not be afraid of direct communication with the audience.

  • Diction.
  • Voice production.
  • Orthoepy.

Block 3. Immersion in drama.

  • Familiarization with drama through classical and contemporary authors.
  • Reading plays. Watching plays and movies. Analyzing and analyzing the plot, characters, acting, and director’s vision.

Block 4. Embodiment. This is the practical moment where everything you have read and seen will be embodied on the stage with the course participants. This block is mostly dedicated to working on character creation.

  • Each student will prepare a monologue for a character from a dramatic work.
  • A scene from a drama or movie.
  • Together with the course, we will create a reading sketch of the play.