Acting is not only a great hobby for a child, but also a great opportunity to channel the child’s energy into a productive and useful way.

If you notice a great acting talent in your child or just a desire to try out on stage, come to us. However, if your child is shy or insecure, theater as a developing hobby is the right place for your child.

Why? Because the teachers of our school have already brought up several dozen different children, and the greatest pleasure and sign of success for our teachers is to see happy, energized children who are confident that they know what they want.

The school has two areas of work with children. Communicative and developmental and professionally oriented. The communicative and developmental direction is suitable for children who need the qualities of confidence, the ability to express their thoughts, communicate harmoniously and make new acquaintances. It will help them not to be afraid of attention and the public. The main discipline is acting. Other disciplines, such as vocal, stage speech, stage movement, choreography, are auxiliary. They can be recommended by the teacher, based on the child’s developmental characteristics. Also, the child can choose an auxiliary discipline of his/her choice. During the first year of training, children will have two performances per audience.

The professionally oriented course is suitable for children who want to connect their lives with creativity. All the basic disciplines are covered here. Acting, stage speech, vocals, plastic, stage movement, choreography. Already at the beginning of the year, the child is involved in the process of preparing the performance. As a result, our artists perform in plays, attend festivals and competitions, successfully pass auditions and star in modern TV series, movies and commercials.